Tuesday, 26 February 2019


The objectives of the course are to:
i)         Enable students to understand the nature and purpose of philosophy as an intellectual discipline.
ii)       Introduce students to philosophy of education as an educational discipline .
iii)      Enable students to understand the implications of philosophy to education.
In order to appreciate the importance of philosophy for an educator, students will be guided to critically examine the philosophical foundations of life in general and the philosophical foundations of education in particular. Thus various dimensions (aspects) of education will be examined.

Philosophy of Education is both philosophical and educational in character. That it is to say, while the method used in the course is that of philosophy, the problem/issues discussed are within the field of Education. Accordingly, the main dimensions of education will be analyzed and discussed in conjunction with appropriate branches of philosophy. Hence, we shall discuss Epistemology and Education, logic and Education, Axiology and Education, Metaphysics and education.

Part One: Introduction
1.1. An introduction to philosophy
1.2. The content and methods of philosophy
1.3. Educational thought in Africa
1.4. An introduction to philosophy of Education
1.5. The concept of Education
1.6. The concept of teaching and learning.
Part Two: Education and Knowledge; the Cognitive Dimension of Education
2.1. What is knowing?( condition of knowledge)
2.2.How do human beings acquire knowledge?
2.3.Various forms of knowledge
2.4.Relevance of Epistemology to Education
2.5. Human knowledge and curriculum
Part Thee: Education and Values: The Normative Dimension of Education
3.1.General introduction to Axiology (theory of values)
3.2. Approaches to the study of Ethics
3.3. Ethics and Education
3.4.The teaching of social education and Ethics
3.5. The Goals and objectives of Education in Kenya
Part Four: Education as individual human development: Creative dimension of Education
4.1. The uniqueness of man. Education as a human phenomenon
4.2.Education and human consciousness
4.3. Creativity and Education
Part Five: Education as Social phenomenon: the dialogical dimension of education
5.1. Education  and dialogue
Part Six: contemporary themes in philosophy of education
6.1.Education and democracy
6.2.Education and human rights
6.3.Study of the Education in the 21st century and beyond. A future perspective

The evaluation of the course will be composed of two main parts
  1. Continuous assessment Test (CAT)= 30%
  2. Final examination = 70%

1)       Aggarwal J.c (1985) Theory and principles of Education. Philosophical and   sociological bases of education. New Delhi: Vika Publishing House Ltd.
2)       Akinpelu J.A (1981) An introduction to philosophy of Education. London and basing stoke.O.U. P.
3)       Bennaars,et al (eds) (1994) Theory and practice of Education. Nairobi. East Africa education publ.
4)       Bennaars, G.A (1994) Ethics, Education and Development. Nairobi: EAEP.
5)       Bennaars, G.A  ( 1998) School in need of education Nairobi: Lecturn  Publishers
6)       Chukwu, C. N. (1995) Introduction to philosophy in an African perspective Eldoret (Kenya) Zapf.       
7)       Giussani, L.   (2001) The risk of Education.
8)       Njoroge, R.J. Bennaars (1986) Philosophy of education in Africa. Nairobi Trans Africa
9)       Njoroge, R.J.(1987)  Philosophy of education. For Liberation and creativity ‘Inaugu lecture 4-           
       Kenyatta University.
10)   Peters R.E (ed). (1973) Philosophy of Education. Oxford university press
11)   Hirst, P.H Peters, R. (1982) The logic of education. London: Rutledge and Kegan Paul
12)   Moore, T.W. (1982) Philosophy of Education. An introduction, London: Kegan Paul
13)   Wilson, J.  (1979) Preface to philosophy of education. London Rutledge & Kegan
14)   Reid, L.A.  (1962) Philosophy and education: Heinemann
15)   Strayghanm, R.  (1983) Philosophy about education:  London. Holt, Reinhert and Winston.
16)   Shor, I & Paul Freire ( 1987)  A pedagogy for liberation. Dialogues on transforming education.     
Newyork:Bergin &Sam Craver
17)   Sutherland, M.  (1988)  Theory Education. London: Longman,
18)   Marshall, J.  (1981)   What is Education. An introduction to the philosophy of education
New Zealand. Dunmore press.
19)   O’ Conner D.J.  (1992). An introduction to the philosophy of education. New Delhi: Universal book stall.
20)   Ozmon Howard & Sam craver: (1976) philosophical foundations of Education. Ohio: Charles Merrill    publishing CO.
21)   Mbiti D.M.  (1981)  An introduction to education. Nairobi: Oxford university press
22)   Mudimbe V.Y. (1994)The invention of Africa, Gnosis,Philosophy and the order of       Knowledge. Bloomington: India
23)   Mudimbe,V.Y.(1994) T he idea of Africa. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University press.
24)   Moser. P.K.&Anorld    (1995)   V.N. Human knowledge. Oxford: oxford university press
25)   Oruka O.H.  (1990)   Ethics. Nairobi: Nairobi University Press
26)   Freire P.  (1972)   Pedagogy of the oppressed. ( trans) by Myra.
27)   Brent Allen. (1972) Philosophical foundations for the curriculum. London.Unwin Educn Books.
28)   Hirst P.H. (1974) Knowledge and the curriculum. A collection of philosophical papers. General Editors, R.S Peters. London: Rutledge & Kegan Paul
29)   Harrison Barget (1990) Mastering philosophy, London: the Macmillan Press Ltd.
30)   Peters R.S. ( 1966) Ethics and Education. London: Allen AND union
31)   Ocitti J.P  Africa (1973) Indigenous Education in East Africa. School of Education 11z/ Dvv                       
Supplement to adult education and development No.42
32)   Hinzen, Hndesdoefer (1979) The Tanzania experience. Education for liberation and development. London, UNESCO. Institute for education. Humborgh and Evans Brothers Ltd.
33)   Kenyatta J.  ( 1991). Facing Mount Kenya: Nairobi: Kenway Publishers ( Kenya Edition).

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